Residential Programmes

We run residential programmes which meet a range of neurodivergent client needs such as young adults developing key life skills, preparing for the world of work, parents going back into the workplace and preparing for retirement.

Upcoming residentials:

Summer 2022 - Neurodivergent student transition from school to university

Starting out at university is an exciting step into adulthood, but for students with neurodivergent conditions it often presents a unique set of challenges, which require unique support to ensure they transition successfully.

Our student residential programmes are intensive, fully-supervised, one week residentials for up to 10 clients. The venues are approximately one hour from London and the programmes are held in the summer before university and focus on developing a range of skills and building an ongoing support 'dream team'.

Dates and venues will be released in early 2022. In the meantime, if you would like information about the programmes as soon as the dates are released, please register your interest below. Third party organisations such as independent schools, universities, medical practices and educational consultants interested in partnering with Helen May Associates should contact us at


Kick-start Programmes